September 30

Wake up to light rain. 


Meet Lola when we stop at the Tropic of Capricorn for a photo, she is travelling around Oz by herself, Lola leaves a message of hope for us to take on the trip for her step daughter who is currently fighting breast cancer. We comment about her travelling alone she tells us she lost her husband to cancer and promised him she would travel Australia and scatter his ashes.

We arrive at Alice Springs grab a bite to eat for lunch and on recommendation from a couple we met last night at Gemtree decide to head out to West MacDonnell National Park then work our way back in.

Now all I will say it took about 1/2 hour for Viv to get us out of town! Maps and google couldn't help, lucky the man at local IGA could! 

Ok here we are driving along in amazement of the scenery of the West MacDonnell ranges and miss the turn off to our planned destination Ormiston Gorge, so pull off and turn around and then hear a noise in the back left tyre first thought we have blown a tyre pull off road again and hop out just as a car goes by, and it stops and turns around to check we are ok the couple names Clare and Kevin Love, after we all check tyres and agree they all are fine! Clare says maybe you have picked up stone, so we take off and noise continues, they had followed us and gives us the news that we have a huge rock lodged between the tyres! Kevin crawls under in this lovely clothes, then say do you have any tools, hum yes not sure what he said maybe a hammer and if I can brake the rock up, so I find my Pink hammer and he goes to work, about 15mins later the rock is gone, and no damage to the tyres we are back on the road. We will be every grateful for their time and help, I apologise to Kevin who is now covered in Red Dust, he says it's ok due to change them anyway, Clare comments it will be another story we can tell from our trip. 

We arrive at Ormiston Gorge - no powered sites, I say to Viv we will just have to free camp she say no way everyone  comes out to checkout Groovy, gent suggests we drive onto 

Glen Helen Gorge. 

Adele comes straight over she is a pink sister diagnosed at 50 and 3 years down the track, Her husband Chris and Children Ryan and Kate have been on the road 3 weeks travelling from Melbourne and heading back tomorrow.

Thursday September 28

Barkly Homestead to Threeways - onto Tenant Creek stop at the Nyinkka Nyunyu Arts and Culture Centre  very imformitive, take a drive out to Battery Hill mine which wasn't open, secretly breath a sigh of relief in the 44 degree heat was happy to get back into Groovy - Devils Marbles - WOW - Wauhope  first town no Telstra service! A lovely couple come over to chat her sister is 1 in 8 at 69 has just had surgery and radiation.

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Wednesday Sept 27

Camooweal not much to look at so head to fuel up , the young boy behind the counter says wow awaresome Bus, as I leave he says keep up the great work, I ask if they would like a photo ? Their response, would we ever , they were so excited.

Not long and we see the sign Welcome to the Northern Terriory!

We decide to leave our sticker and a bra to mark the next leg of this journey. 

First road sign is that speed limit changes to 130kms, we will be sticking to our steady 90 - 100kms. 

Then next one Caution Crosswinds! Yes know all about these your cruising along next minute you are lifted on the road no joke, the first I thought I might have blown a tyre.

Again ever changing scenery there are still Termite mounds in ever size and shape along the sides of the roads

Pull into Barkly Homestead and find a nice shady tree for the night.

Tuesday September 26

Last night in Queensland 3,003 kms since we left home 3 weeks tomorrow! 

Monday September 25

Just a short 121kms up the highway through scenic mountain terrain we arrive at Mt Isa we see the first double lane roads, roundabouts and traffic lights in two weeks. City driving again!

Sunday September 24

Nice Sunday drive 379kms from Winton to Cloncurry the scenery ever changing, a hot 42 degrees a hour up the track is Kynuna slap bang in the middle of Waltzing Matilda history, and home to the Blue Heeler Pub, we meet fellow travellers, one lady has been diagnosed with a very rare vaginal cancer ( 7 australians a year diagnosed) and outcome not good,  sell a couple of stubbie holders, enjoy a homemade sausage roll and a cold light beer.

We continue along the Matilda Way to McKinlay and stop to enjoy a drink and chat to publicans Frank and Deb at crocodile dundee's watering hole, and  home to Mick Dundee's bar and the Never Never Safari Truck, after a few photos with one local saying I hope if I show my wife this she will made the time and have a check!!! 

We then take a drive to the Art Tree and Queensland's smallest public library! 

On the road to Cloncurry arrive and head straight to the pool to cool off. 

Saturday September 23

Groovy had a rest day parked under a tree in the Caravan Park. 

We had the day at the festival first stop was the Tatts Hotel to meet the publican Paul, he had lost his wife to Breast Cancer a few years earlier. And leave our mark in the bar. 

Now we find a shady spot in the 40 degree heat to watch the street parade. Checkout the shops and head to the North Gregory Hotel to watch the chook races!  Oh course we were going for Pinky! So funny.

Friday September 22

Although we had secured the cabin some of today's road were a little bit different to the highways we have been travelling on  most Morning for the first 10 minutes of travel you wait to hear if anything moves, today all seemed good until we hit the corrigated road, then the old girl shook and then a few crashes with us saying wonder what that was? 

You also need to remember when you pull up that things may have shifted, open a cupboard and it is nothing to be hit in the head with a cup or plate Pink of course! 

We arrive at the Australian Age of Dinosaurs and are greeted by founder David Elliot, it was amazing and a must for any traveller heading this way. It was hot in the 40's have a quick coffee with David. 

We then head to the Check Main Street with a bite and a coldie at Tatts Hotel.

Back for a quick freshen up before we head to the famous Dunny Races.

Thursday September 21

First up we add a bra to the fence @4LG & West FM.

Then it's time to grab a few things at IGA and as we are heading in my phone rings Dubboite Trish Morris and says were are you? Just spotted Groovy parked in front of IGA so we have a quick chat in IGA, we are both heading to Winton, one more what we thought would be a quick stop, but as usual we got talking to locals I Had a lovely chat to Helen learning about the wonderful support West'n Breast & Prostate Support Group are giving in the area at a difficult time for many. 

Keep up the fabulous work.Helen is not only one in a million, also one in eight! She was supportive of us and happy to help spread the word. 

On the road again we pull into Winton and catch the evening show by Bush poet Gregory North! 

Wednesday September 20

Up to wash a bit of dust out of the clothes!, we start to walk into town a police car comes along pulls up to tell us 100 horses are coming up the street which is the Battle of Bashiber commemorations for the light horse! We stop under a tree  George Old Time Tent Show it was a hoot performed by 2 young local blokes a great hour of entertainment! And like any good show it has a white horse with a pink bra as eye mask! 

We call it for lunch and meet a local 

We catch a cab back to the park Local Judy is the taxi driver a lovely friendly lady.

Tuesday September 19

A day to explore Longreach 

The Qantas founders museum and the Stockmans hall of fame.

Lady comes over and says I just have to tell you I have 2 young boys and when they saw your van they said look Mummy Lady Gaga is here! Classic comment. 

We head to the Woolshed for a cold drink and dinner.

Monday September 18

Time to checkout what Blackall has, this town is nestled on the banks of the Barcoo River and offers plenty from the Black Stump, the Woolscour, a must is a visit to the Universal Garden Centre to see the historic display of Jack Howe, he achieved the incredible feat of shearing 321 sheep in seven hours and 40mins with blade shears a record which has never been broken. As we are about to leave this lively little town we come across Ram Park which is home to many historic buildings after a hour of wandering we are back on the Matilda Way to our next stop Barcaldine and of course we stop at the Tree of Knowledge, our next stop which will be home for 3 night they call the heart of outback Queensland Longreach!

Sunday September 17

Time to take in the local sights of Charleville and fly the bras around the streets. 

Augathella an interesting little town, with its history and community artworks its greatest claim to fame in recent times is as the home for a time of Moore ( Neville ) Raymond author of the smiley books and the young lad Didy Creevy upon whom the smiley character and stories are based, also home of the meat ants which is actually there footy team.  A lady heard we had pulled in, the good old bush telegraph still works, she found us at the Keniff Tree she wanted to know what we were doing and wanted to chat as she was organising a fundraiser in Blackall for Breast Cancer. 

Just down the road we come to Tambo the central west's oldest little town.

We then roll into Blackall just in time for happy hour and some live music by Evan Bayer. 

We get some few travellers up to dance, one lady says this is the happiest happy hour I have ever had. 

Saturday September 16

Time for a look around Cunnamulla and meet the Cunnamulla fella! 

We cruise  for 199 kms Cunnamulla to Charleville with a short stop and look at Wyandra. 

As soon as we pull up a gent named Ray comes over for a chat he lost his Mum to BC when she was just 48, buys a stubbie holder. 

We head into Camp kitchen chat another fellow traveller who is on heading to see sister in Dubbo.

Friday September 15

Ok up early and out to have window looked at! 

Options are stay a week while the order new mechanics! Not going to happen!

Drive back to Dubbo and have it repaired! Not going to happen! 

Tape it up and push on! Yes I knew that Pink tape would come in handy!

So on to Bourke then up the road for a night in Cunnamulla. Stop in at the last Pub in NSW and lady says aren't you Donna Falconer from Dubbo when then go on to workout she is my sister in laws Aunty!

Thursday Sept 14

Up and over to have a few photos with Donna, Geoff and Barney.

And it is on the road again, all is going well singing along, now on the way out we got photos of the Bra and Undies tree but missed the coffee cup tree, so we spot it I pull off the road put the window down, take the shot go to put the window up and clunk.. and it won't budge to go back up so drive onto Emmdale roadhouse  here we go again 2 blondes in an RV playing damsels in distress! Truckie looks at it and says it is more than likely the mechanics and you need to take the panel off to get to it and he unfortunately is on his way to Adelaide and can't spare the time! We grab a coffee and push on for the next 150kms to Cobar it is a mild 14 degrees out so on with jacket, crank up the heater and music, now by the time we hit Cobar I am a little wind blown, nice hair and that are what caps are for! Ring NRMA again 3rd time in a week!! Young fellow comes and looks and say it is to late to look at today he can have a look in the morning at 8am, so we head back to the Caravan Park and take up Karen's offer of another night! Pink Blanket over window, heater on all is good!

Wednesday September 13th

Drop Groovy off from new radiator 

Geoff and Donna pick us up , coffee then off ! Drive out to Menindee for the day, quite cool and windy, first a look around the old Woolshed then  we enjoy a champagne and chicken lunch at the main weir. 

Back in town by 4 to pick up Groovy and head back to park for happy hour drinks, early night for an early start on Thursday for a long drive the plan is to make it to Bourke!

Tuesday September 12

Time for a little more sightseeing and flying the bras in the Silver City so off to the  Pro Hart Gallery and The Big Picture which was impressive a 12m x 100m acrylic painting on canvas. 

Monday September 11

Up and off the the local 999 ABC radio for an interview. 

Then took Groovy over to be fitted for her new radiator. While she was having her fitting we walked up to Bells Milkbar for a good old fashion spider! 

After her fitting picked up Groovy and off to explore some of the sights in the Silver city. A drive out to RFDS, then up to the  Miners Memorial and The Big Chair. Home for a rest before going with Donna and Geoff to the Living Desert Reserve which has breathtaking scenery and views in a unique 2400ha reserve,initiated by Gosford - based sculptor Lawrence Beck and created by 12 artists from five countries, the sandstone pieces celebrate the connection between art and the enviroment.