Wednesday Sept 27

Camooweal not much to look at so head to fuel up , the young boy behind the counter says wow awaresome Bus, as I leave he says keep up the great work, I ask if they would like a photo ? Their response, would we ever , they were so excited.

Not long and we see the sign Welcome to the Northern Terriory!

We decide to leave our sticker and a bra to mark the next leg of this journey. 

First road sign is that speed limit changes to 130kms, we will be sticking to our steady 90 - 100kms. 

Then next one Caution Crosswinds! Yes know all about these your cruising along next minute you are lifted on the road no joke, the first I thought I might have blown a tyre.

Again ever changing scenery there are still Termite mounds in ever size and shape along the sides of the roads

Pull into Barkly Homestead and find a nice shady tree for the night.