
Over the years Donna has spoken to thousands of men and women about breast cancer awareness and encouraged those thousands of people to have a mammogram. For many, this has saved their lives. This is just one reason why Donna Falconer continues to spread the word about breast cancer awareness. “If one person has a mammogram after listening to one of my speaking presentations and this has saved their life, I feel like I’ve done my job to the absolute best of my ability.”

Donna’s latest speaking engagements were for the BreastScreen Radiographers Symposium in Sydney, this week, she’s been at Middlemount, a mining community in Far North Queensland and next week she’ll be speaking at Rotary. It doesn’t matter how big or small your event is, Donna is happy to participate and encourage all to listen to her powerful message.


Making a Booking

Taking the first step to have Donna Falconer speak at your next event is easy. Fill in the form to your right and Donna will make contact with you to discuss your booking and date/s required.