Friday September 22

Although we had secured the cabin some of today's road were a little bit different to the highways we have been travelling on  most Morning for the first 10 minutes of travel you wait to hear if anything moves, today all seemed good until we hit the corrigated road, then the old girl shook and then a few crashes with us saying wonder what that was? 

You also need to remember when you pull up that things may have shifted, open a cupboard and it is nothing to be hit in the head with a cup or plate Pink of course! 

We arrive at the Australian Age of Dinosaurs and are greeted by founder David Elliot, it was amazing and a must for any traveller heading this way. It was hot in the 40's have a quick coffee with David. 

We then head to the Check Main Street with a bite and a coldie at Tatts Hotel.

Back for a quick freshen up before we head to the famous Dunny Races.