Sunday September 10

Head to the Palace for a Mimosa, before catching Bus to the Silverton Day out. 

Lunch and show at the hotel with Donna and Geoff, then a visit to Mad Max 2 museum and craft shops. 

Donna and Geoff drop us back into town we have a wander and a coldie, dinner at the Silver City Chinese, before heading to the Silver City Cinema to watch Priscilla Queen of the Desert on the big screen 23 years after it was filmed, still a great movie.

Saturday Sept 9

Call the NRMA as the service light flashing low coolant came on about 50kms out on Friday afternoon, has happened a few times so call in the experts, not the best news she needs a new radiator, Steve says it is only a small leak at moment but not worth running the risk so early in the trip, so need to take her on Monday. 

We head along to the Street Parade and the Gay Nomads ask us to join them. Was great fun to be apart off. 

Back to the Caravan for a change of Pink and off to the Palace for Night 2 of shows the Glitterbomb dance party.

We are a little more warmly Pinkly dressed after it chilling down last night. Enjoyed Trevor Ashley perform along with the so you think you can drag finals. We catch the Demo club bus home!

Friday Sept 8

Happy Hour is at 4pm we arrive at 3.30 in the Pink, Miranda is performing and we are asked to be her back up singers and dancers! 

At 5pm we catch the courtesy bus to The Palace Hotel for opening night of the Broken Heel festival - frock on or frock off party. 

We spot two space seats at a table ask if we can join them, we sit down and they announce they are the proud mum and step dad of one of the hosts Art Simone we have a lovely chat and they say they will save us a seat in front of the main stage! 

Head inside for a bite to eat and fellow travellers and neighbours at the Caravan Park Donna & Geoff ask us to join them. 

Enjoy a evening of bling and crystal heels, and a fabulous Priscilla tribute show. 

Thursday September 7th

Up and time to hit the road the owner of the Caravan Park ( Karen)  comes over for a photo and insists The night is on her! Top up fuel and wash the windows We are off to Broken  Heel!!! 

Coffee stop at Emmdale, then a ice cream stop at Little Topar.

Arrive in Broken Hill, our Pink at the ready, first stop the Palace hotel for a cool drink, and run into Miss Vegemite. 

Head out to the Caravan Park set up and power not working, Viv heads to camp kitchen to enlist help, lovely gents comes out and yep again if you turn switch on it works!! 

Wednesday September 6th

Day 1, time to go and vote at the local council elections, head over to Dubbo Tyres and batteries to have Tyres checked for the Kms ahead. 

To a photo shoot at Two doors to promote the Dine Pink for BCNA and few shots of Groovy before we hit the highway! 

Head in to fuel up still not adjusted to being in Groovy stop a little bit to far away from bowser, and decide it will be ok and have pushed to hard as when I go to replace fuel cap it won't go back on, ok here we go again time to play damsel in distress, a guy comes over says I have disengaged the diesel line!!! So go to ring NRMA and yes the voice comes over the speaker Lady you can't use your mobile outside!! Diesel all over me head to pay and ring up, just than a poor unsuspecting guy pulls up in a Truck, he looks at it and says yep needs repair can't go anywhere like that, but if you have a couple of paper clips I can fix it to get you on the road and if you are gentle will last for the trip! 

Get into Cobar about 6pm, plug in a settle in for first night with the first 300 kms done.


Sunday August 13th

Up and down to Brennan's Mitre 10 for another day promoting the Pink, supported by Rotary Club of Dubbo Macquarie.

Saturday August 12th

Spent from 9am to 2pm set up in the Brennan's Mitre 10 car park, showing off Groovy and promoting the Pink. 

Breastscreen the important of early dectection. Breast Cancer Network Australia and the work they do and resources for those affected by Breast Cancer. Mc Grath Foundation and the importance of having a breast care nurse. Pink Angels and the mission to care, help and support locals affected by breast cancer. 

The wonderful members from the Rotary Club of Dubbo Macquarie where there with the sausages sizzling, and happy to sling on a pink bra or two I am sure there will be some fines at the next meeting. 

Was great to catch up with friends and talk to many locals. Even tried to busk to get some business and a guy comes over and says here $50 but stop now! Girls just having fun!

Tuesday August 8

Today we spend the day with Tail End Charlie, the tractor traversing through Australia on its 60th anniversary run. 

They started in Wundowie Western Australia, on 7 July for a 57-day journey. The plan to stop at approximately 50 locations, arriving back in WA at the National Ballooning Championships in Northam on 2 September. Along the way raising the awareness of the wonderful work Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) and Prostate Cancer, as well as Groovy does promote the importance of early detection. Foundation of Australia (PCFA). 

It was wonderful to meet Ron Bywaters, the original driver of Tail End Charlie at the Mobilgas Round Australia Rally in 1957. He has been behind the wheel again and joined by a team of 13. 

We spend the morning at the Rotunda along with the local Prostate Cancer group. 

Groovy was proud to support Ron and his team, we lunched at the Elders Rural Branch.

Saturday August 5th

This ones for Sue.

12 months ago just after picking up Groovy, I visited a friend Sue who was in hospital Pallitive care a pink sister with Secondary breast cancer.

I said we're do you want me to take you? 

Sue said Hamilton Island! 

My answer I am not sure I can make that happen, Sue responded well I will be just happy to go to Wongarbon with you!  In her last days I promised I would take her! 

Tuesday will be 12 months since she passed. 

Saturday was a perfect day for Di and I to head out, we decided we would first drive to Wellington for lunch at the Calf and Cow and a quick Shopping for some PINK, on the way back we called into Ponto Falls reserve to a have a bottle of Sue's favourite beverage Shampoo (bubbles) next back to Wongarbon for a happy hour drink another friend Libby joined us, then the 3 D's from Dubbo, Donna, Di and Debbie had dinner and cranked up the Juke box at Pub, lady Di and Princess Donna sleep over in Wongarbon pub car park! A good night and want went on in the van stays in the van.

Thursday August 3rd

Sadly after a wonderful 3 days it is time to head homebase, bid farewell to friends both new and old. 

And this lovely park and all its charm and hospitality. 

Last night went to bed content after what I can say was the best camp oven dinner Roast lamb and award winning damper shared with 60 other travellers ( Caravan people as someone said they were called at the local club), David invited me again to say a few words on my mission. 

Then David and Ronnie were happy to let me have some funny with my pink hairspray.

Wednesday August 2nd

Last night at happy hour again meet new friends I think the sign over the camp kitchen says it all.

Best times in life are the people you meet, the places you go, and the friends you make.

The couple I chat with said they called in here 3 months ago heading north planning on staying a night , 10 days later they were still here enjoying the hospitality of the lovely peaceful park, they travelled North now heading back south to home they have returned and upto 6 nights again. 

The camp kitchen area has a fascinating collection of bottles that have been emptied around the camp fire by many guests, so I give a bottle to Bernadette the bottle was enjoyed while watching a rainbow fire on the bush TV hearing of others lives and travels. 

Tuesday August 1

Happy birthday to all the horses! 

Heard of a friend in Dubbo taken by the Big C ( Liver) losing her 2 year battle this morning, she was in her early fifties, a mum, sister and friend. Feeling lucky to be on the road making memories and meeting lovely people. Life can be to short ( found a great sign on the back of a van ).

Last night chatted to lovely couple from Camden Liz and Paul at happy  hourS ( happy hour goes until quite late) woke this morning now I am to a true traveller yet because by the time I get up at 8 or sooooo, the park is empty, anyway they had popped over and left me a note and a Pink surprise. 

Took a stroll down to the local supermarket, no pink but did support them by buying a couple of essentials you know for happy hour! 

Spent 3 hours sitting outside Groovy in the sun doing some catch up and chatting with some other travellers. 

Shower now time for happy hour again, well what's a girl to do? just be happy!

Monday July 31st

Time to say thanks to Lightning Ridge great 4 days, friendly people, loads of great things to see! 

On the road again listening and singing along to my new Mel and Susie  CDs.

Now have heard so many great reports on the Caravan Park at Gulargambone so plan to stop there for a couple of nights and catch up on a few things. 

Arrive and greeted by Bernadette ( in a Pink shirt)  who is a ex Dubbo lady from the well known Snare family, time to settle in and then happy hour at 4.30! 

I learn some fellow Dubbians are staying in the park, and it happens to be the Manager of the Oncology unit when I had me treatment 8 years ago, I remember her so well she was only only nurse that could find a vein for my chemo! 

Bernadette husband David welcomes everyone around 30 people have gathered,  gives some local facts and history, then introduces me, then on the spot invites me to say a few words, I respond only a few that will be hard! 

Groovy of course is a hit again with a few taking the time for a photo. 

David and Bernadette are wonderful hosts, today they have put on a vegetable soup and home made damper, the fire is magical and David adds a special touch and it turns from a red glow to rainbow, no better bush TV to watch with a glass of red in hand!

Sunday July 30th

Up and off to join the other visitors and many locals at the Bore baths , over the last couple of days have seen many sights people arriving and leaving in PJs, dressing gowns and wearing shower caps, so think what the heck will Pink it up! 

One local commented I rocked it 110%, I did see a few people smile and try not to look!! 

Back for Sunday breakie Bacon, eggs and sausages, my fellow weekender travellers pack up ready to head back to Dubbo. 

Steve family friend drops by to saw hi and is happy to Pink it up! 

Now hitting around 30% put on the swimmer reminds me I must get one of those bikini T shirts like Mel had on in show would be so much kinder to others eyes! Head over to the park pool for a refreshing dip in the mid 20s . Time seems to just get away time for a shower and catch Mel and Susie's last show for this visit! They have been a great support mentioning Groovy and the mission of raising awareness. They gift me their CD's and DVD for my travels.

Saturday July 29th

Up to join the many locals again at the Artesian Bore baths, it is warm but they tell you it is great for arthritis and you only need to stay in for 10 mins at a time! 

Back of another cooked bush breakie, sausages, bacon and eggs. 

Time to go and do some exploring, first stop out to the Walk in Mine,  and they had a Pink hat , I forgot I have one in Groovy , quick bite of lunch, then a tour of the Chamber of the Black hand down 88 steps or in my case a little trip in a lift with local Dave! I am so excited to get to wear my  PINK Mc Grath Foundation safety hat, everyone else had blue. I had a few offers to buy it, but it is not for sale even to a gold MasterCard! 

This place was amazing around 700 hand cravings, painting and sculptures! 

So remember what goes down must come up, up the 88 stairs and after that breathtaking tour. It's onto to the next stop. 

Ok so  what girl or princess doesn't love a castle so we head out to Amigos Castle as seen on TV , WOW I have never seen so much stuff, and quirky signs.

Amigo comes out we say hello how are you? His response...good I am still kicking as he shakes his leg, a real character I would say after seeing his photo board. After exploring and hearing the history. 

Check the time only 1/2 hr until Happy hour we head back decide to drive in to see a few camps now I won't say we got lost but we may have lost our bearings but the road we took got us out might have been the road less travelled and the long way round, not the way we went in but happy to say we made it back in time to catch another Mel an Susie show! 

Decide we will head to the Bore baths again, the way I am going I will be running home!  

We have our Pizza's at the camp kitchen then sit around the fire chatting to fellow travellers. It really is a small world 2 ladies sat down and chatted working out they had gone to school together 50 years ago, they were 7 years apart remembered each other and both knew so many of the same people!

Friday July 28th

Up head down to the Artesian Bore baths, spot Johnny from Fulong wines Mudgee, back for a good bush breakfast, bacon , eggs and tomotoes. 

Head into town for a spot of shopping, a must a visit to the John Murray Art Gallery then up the street to check out the many stalls set up for the Opal festival. 

Mel and Susie drop by to checkout Groovy in their Pink, they invite me to get up at happy hour and tell others what I am doing! After the show so many beautiful people come up for a chat!

Thursday July 27th

Today heading out to the home of the Black Opal Lightning Ridge! 

Lunch stop at 2828 Cafe Gulargambone. Then onto Coonamble  through Walgett, arrive in Lightning Ridge and check in, now quickly off  for our first happy hour, we set up our chairs, table and cheese platter under a shady tree, cheers seems strange for the park being full with about 350 people no one else set up! We look over and the shed is full of laughing people so off we head and bush poet duo Mel and Susie are entertaining the crowd! Great show wandering back we see a crowd of people under a sign in a tree and decide to throw on a scarf and catch the bus into club for dinner.

Weekend Friday 22nd, Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th July

Load up and take short drive along the golden highway 

Lovely 2 nights spend with family at the Nyngan Caravan Park. 

Great spot for to wander and chillax 

Canoe on the Bogan, through in a few lines. Camp fire with sparklers and marshmallows. 

Saturday to lovely ladies from Victoria call by for a chat and a few photos. 

Sunday drive down the main photo with the big Bogan, head to the park a young boy 10 or 12 scooters over to ask about Groovy he said I have never seen a number plate with so many same letters and numbers. Was cute.