Up to join the many locals again at the Artesian Bore baths, it is warm but they tell you it is great for arthritis and you only need to stay in for 10 mins at a time!
Back of another cooked bush breakie, sausages, bacon and eggs.
Time to go and do some exploring, first stop out to the Walk in Mine, and they had a Pink hat , I forgot I have one in Groovy , quick bite of lunch, then a tour of the Chamber of the Black hand down 88 steps or in my case a little trip in a lift with local Dave! I am so excited to get to wear my PINK Mc Grath Foundation safety hat, everyone else had blue. I had a few offers to buy it, but it is not for sale even to a gold MasterCard!
This place was amazing around 700 hand cravings, painting and sculptures!
So remember what goes down must come up, up the 88 stairs and after that breathtaking tour. It's onto to the next stop.
Ok so what girl or princess doesn't love a castle so we head out to Amigos Castle as seen on TV , WOW I have never seen so much stuff, and quirky signs.
Amigo comes out we say hello how are you? His response...good I am still kicking as he shakes his leg, a real character I would say after seeing his photo board. After exploring and hearing the history.
Check the time only 1/2 hr until Happy hour we head back decide to drive in to see a few camps now I won't say we got lost but we may have lost our bearings but the road we took got us out might have been the road less travelled and the long way round, not the way we went in but happy to say we made it back in time to catch another Mel an Susie show!
Decide we will head to the Bore baths again, the way I am going I will be running home!
We have our Pizza's at the camp kitchen then sit around the fire chatting to fellow travellers. It really is a small world 2 ladies sat down and chatted working out they had gone to school together 50 years ago, they were 7 years apart remembered each other and both knew so many of the same people!