BCNA National Summit.
Two fabulous days with 198 women and 2 men learning, supporting meeting up with friends and making new friends! Getting all the latest information and statistics.
The latest statistics from the Australian Institute of Health and Wealth predict that 17,730 ( 17,568 women and 144 men ) will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year! While the numbers diagnosed are increasing every year, survival rates are also increasing.
Nevertheless, more than 3,000 people will lose their lives to breast cancer every year in Australia.
Early detection and Breast awareness is so important.
A very rewarding and empowering 2 days.
Now taking Groovy reminded me of taking my beautiful daughter on a holiday, you know when you are lying by a pool and everyones looking your way , and the drinks waiter starts heading over you feel pretty good then they bypass you and go straight to the daughter, yep Groovy gets all the attention everyone wanting photos of her!
On Friday i had the pleasure of being a Panel member speaking about my fundraising idea which BCNA has now made a national fundraising program - Dine Pink.