Wednesday March 15th

Last night it rained, then it poured, while I was trying to snore! Thoughts of Groovy might needing to be a boat not Bus going on in my head, then I didn't want to get out of bed in the morning! 

So after blowing fuses yesterday had to get Nigel from Mobile RV out to help! Nigel and Blake were happy to pull on a Bra to show their support! 

Called around to see fellow Dubbo resident Peter Brooks at his shop the smashed crab he was out, but had a lovely chat to Emma. Next stop Novotel Twin Waters   to attend the BCNA summit. Pulled and greeted by Paul who got Groovy the prime parking place undercover for 3 nights!

Check in time to catch up with pink friends and start meeting and making new friends. Due to stormy weather "Mini Field of Women" and welcome which included a special traditional smoking ceremony, an ancient custom for indigenous Australians were held at reception!