Up and off to join the other visitors and many locals at the Bore baths , over the last couple of days have seen many sights people arriving and leaving in PJs, dressing gowns and wearing shower caps, so think what the heck will Pink it up!
One local commented I rocked it 110%, I did see a few people smile and try not to look!!
Back for Sunday breakie Bacon, eggs and sausages, my fellow weekender travellers pack up ready to head back to Dubbo.
Steve family friend drops by to saw hi and is happy to Pink it up!
Now hitting around 30% put on the swimmer reminds me I must get one of those bikini T shirts like Mel had on in show would be so much kinder to others eyes! Head over to the park pool for a refreshing dip in the mid 20s . Time seems to just get away time for a shower and catch Mel and Susie's last show for this visit! They have been a great support mentioning Groovy and the mission of raising awareness. They gift me their CD's and DVD for my travels.