Friday June 30

Fill the girls tank, head out along the Golden Highway, then turn along Black Stump Way to Coolah, Home of the Black Stump. 

Set up on a beautiful sunny site, make some lunch few catch up calls, then happy hour starts at 4.30. 

First chat to Nobby he has been here 5 years, after 12 years as a grey nomad travelling around Australia several times and said there is still so much he hasn't seen. 

Chat with Sue, she had her Screen just 2 weeks back in Dubbo, she is hosting a craft morning on Wednesday so ask if I can leave her, cards, information and nail files to pass on. Sue has a stubby holder, she pulls out the can and says this is for you and in there is $10, very touched she said its not much and I wish it was 100's,  but hope it helps you to continue to spread the word.

Head out by the fire and surprised to see Geoff McMillian ex Dubbian who had Bussiness Colour copy shop in Dubbo.