Wednesday June 14th

Time to hit the highway, safety check done on Groovy, today will head on the Newell Highway to Forbes. 

Just outside Dubs pull up for the first lot of road works of the day, and being first the lovely lady comes over for a chat, now I have often wondered what they say into their walkie talkie when I pull up, the call came through from the other end saying last car will be a taxi, she said I beat that, you should see what is coming your way it's awaresome Groovy Booby Bus and it is covered in bras!!! 

Puts on smile on my old dial! 

It was a beautiful clear day and edging up to about 21degree didn't feel like winter at all. Driving along singing my song 'Gyspy Soul' by my home girl Sarah Head, It is hard not to notice how dry it is, just doesn't seem right after watching all the down pour and floods in Sydney and down the coast on TV over the weekend! 

Arrive at Forbes first stop Visitors Information Centre to pick up the local map and a sticker. Groovy is getting a sticker from all the places she has a sleepover! 

Time for a quick bite at the local bakery, a wander through the local shops, pick up a few new pink bras for Groovy at the op shop and buy a few raffle tickets , then its to the towns Victoria Park for an interview with the Forbes Advocate newspaper. 

3pm Check in to the Country Club caravan park, very quite and relaxed.

5.30pm head to the Vandenberg Hotel to guest speak at the Forbes Rotary Club meeting! Lovely to meet 14 of the members and tell them my story.